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15-18 February 2020 (Lagos)


‘’West African gold production & cultural utility present powerful opportunities for economic advancement through a developed gold ecosystem. The wealth, resources & population are incentives for the region and continent to develop the gold value chain. We believe that sharing information about the role of gold in the world and the availability in the region will unlock the policies, investment and markets to develop the gold value chain in Africa.’’  - Nere Emiko, Chairman, Kian Smith

Hosted on the margins of the gold market, Gold Week Africa is a series of gold information sessions from 15-18 February, hosted live and online:


The information sessions are intimate, real-time meetings for about 30 participants at a time, with an (unlimited), targeted digital audience where gold experts and stakeholders aim to:


Instruct the continent about the role of gold in the world
Illuminate the journey towards Africa’s golden future
Outline practical steps to unlock the value chain
Highlight the benefits & role that locally sourced gold must play in the Nigeria & the region


Hot topics

  • ​The gold value chain of West Africa

  • West Africa's gold jewelry market.

  • Gold in design and utility

  • Gold projects: project updates and opportunities

  • Gold & silver as investment & money

  • Gold in a digital world: cryptocurrency, innovation, and retail

Who attends?

West African, African, and international investors, financiers, mining professionals, traders, consultants, gold policymakers, members of the government as well as members of civil society organizations.  


The West Wing
Wings Towers
Victoria Island, Lagos
(On Ozumba Mbadiwe Way)

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